In YAOWARE, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. (hereinafter referred to as “YAOWARE”), we care about the proper use, safety, protection and handling of your personal data; as we look at the principles of legality, consent, information, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility, pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (LFPDP), its Regulations and to the Privacy Notice Guidelines published by the Ministry of Economy on January 17th 2013 in the Official Journal of the Federation (hereinafter referred to collectively as the “Law”), consequently, through this notice, it is made known to the owner, in an effective and timely manner, the processing of his personal information, so in terms of Articles 15 of the LFPDP and 23 of its Regulations, this privacy notice is put at his disposal, in the following terms:

I. – The identity and address of the responsible party.
The Company YAOWARE, S. DE R.L. DE C.V., is responsible for effect as provided by Article 3 Paragraph XIV of the LFPDP that is domiciled at Torres Adalid 618, Planta Baja, Col. Del Valle, Del. Benito Juárez, C.P. 03100, Mexico City. Also, the people in charge of processing personal data pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 paragraph IX of the LFPDP, in the name of the responsible YAOWARE, is in the same above-mentioned address and can be contacted by phone at 01 55 5264 7068, or, by E-mail at, from 11:00 to 18:00 hours, Monday through Friday, except holidays.

II. – Personal data that are subjected to processing.
The personal data of the holder that will be subjected to processing are: full name, home address, business address, RFC, E-mail, phone, website, gender, nationality, age, date and place of birth, bank account number and account password.

III. – Way of obtaining personal data.
Personal data is collected directly from the owner, either by a personal interview, filling out a physical format, through the internet page (by filling some questionnaire) or any electronic means, by telephone or any other means known or to be known.
Likewise, one piece or some of the personal information described above can be obtained from any lawful public source such as public directories, expos, fairs, symposia, conference, database of any governing body, whether federal, state or municipal, etc.
Our web site does not use cookies, web beacons or similar technologies to store data, statistics or browsing preferences.

IV. – The purposes of data processing.
The data provided to us are for the elaboration of a contract, integration of his administrative file, processing of orders, invoices, statistical management of consumption, advertising and any administrative activity resulting from our contractual relationship.
In no case will your personal data be given a different use, to those described in this paragraph, unless there is a change in this Privacy Notice.

V. – The options and means to limit the use or disclosure of the data.
The personal data provided to us, are guarded directly by the person in charge, authorized by YAOWARE, who performs all actions aimed at protecting, safe keeping and privacy of such personal data. Your data are in an electronic database properly guarded and protected by all the technological means at our disposal.
Any employee or service provider to get access to such personal data has previously entered into a confidentiality agreement with YAOWARE, to keep the secrecy of such personal data.
If for any reason we find that a third party were to enter the database, so as to have copied completely or partially the mentioned database, you will be notified either through our website at; or by E-mail or in person; in order that you can take the precautions and actions you deem appropriate.

VI. – The means to exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition (ARCO Rights). In order to exercise any ARCO right, you will have to do it in writing to the person responsible, at the address located at Torres Adalid 618, Planta Baja, Col. Del Valle, Del. Benito Juárez, C.P. 03100, Mexico City; or, through an E-mail at, having to comply with the provisions of Articles 29 and 31 of the LFPDP. For this, you will have to attach a copy of the identification of the holder; or a copy of the power of attorney granted before a notary public attesting him as a representative of the holder and single copy of the identification of the representative; as well as the documentation he deems necessary and appropriate to support the right you want to exercise.

Upon receipt of the corresponding request, we will have a period of 20 working days to notify the owner regarding the response to his request. The answer to the aforementioned request will be given in the E-mail indicated by the holder, or he will be notified by phone at the one indicated by the holder, so he can pick it up at the address of the person in charge, or it will be delivered at the address indicated by the holder, with the cost that this entails.

The mentioned term may only be extended once, for an equal period, as long as the causes of the concrete case justify it.

The delivery of personal data will be free, the holder must cover, or in his case, his legal representative, only the justified shipping expenses or the cost of the reproduction in copies or in other formats.

For more information please contact us by telephone at 01 55 5264 7068, from 11:00 to 18:00 hours, Monday through Friday, except holidays; or by E-mail to the following address:

VII. – Data transfers.
We do not share your personal information without your express consent and under no circumstances do we disseminate, sell, distribute or market them.
However, the transfer of data to third parties may be made, only in the following cases:

1) At the request of the holder.
2) At the request of a competent authority or to defend the interests of YAOWARE, its directors, shareholders or dependents, before any Administrative or Judicial Authority.
3) To fulfill any contractual obligation or to settle a legal dispute between the holder and YAOWARE.

The foregoing in accordance with the provisions of Chapter V Articles 36 and 37 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals.
Through this Privacy Notice, the holder gives his consent so that only in express cases provided for in this clause, the transfer of such data may be made.

VIII. – The proceeding and means by which the person in charge will inform the holders of changes to the Privacy Notice.
In the event that YAOWARE makes any changes to this Privacy Notice, either to improve it or upgrade it in accordance with the current legislation, YAOWARE will give notice to the holder of such change by any of the following means: through the website, E-mail, phone, SMS message, verbal or in writing sent to the address of the holder.

IX. – Video Surveillance Circuit.
Videotaping is carried out at strategic points, such as the entrance, hallways, production areas and offices of the YAOWARE establishment, located at Torres Adalid 618, Planta Baja, Col. Del Valle, Del. Benito Juárez, C.P. 03100, Mexico City, with the sole purpose of maintaining the safety of our employees and visitors, in such a way that the images and sounds are captured solely for that purpose.

X. – Consent on the use of personal data.
This Privacy Notice is made with the direct or personal knowledge of the holder, in which case, the aforementioned holder may directly oppose the processing of his personal data so; notwithstanding the above, at the discretion of the holder, he may, within a period of 5 working days from the date on which he provided YAOWARE his personal data, express his refusal to the processing of his personal data for purposes that are different from those that are necessary and which give rise to the legal relationship between the holder and YAOWARE.

For the case in which the data of the holder is obtained indirectly, according to Article 14 of the Regulations of the LFPDP, the holder will have a period of 5 working days, to express his refusal to the processing of his personal data for purposes that are different from those that are necessary and which give rise to the legal relationship between the holder and YAOWARE.

The opposition referred to in the preceding paragraphs must be made by the holder in writing, addressed to the person in charge, at the address located at Torres Adalid 618, Planta Baja, Col. Del Valle, Del. Benito Juárez, C.P. 03100, Mexico City, or by E-mail to the following address:
In the event that the opposition indicated in the first two paragraphs of this section is not conducted by the holder or his legal representative, within the prescribed period, it will be understood that the holder has given his full consent.
In YAOWARE, the above is applicable every time we do not request or use personal, financial or property data or handle sensitive data of the holders.

For more information please contact us by telephone at 01 55 5264 7068, from 11:00 to 18:00 hours, Monday through Friday, except holidays; or by E-mail to the following address: